Men's Lifestyle

Men's Lifestyle

The Busy Gym Dumbbell Workout

Willpower is no match for muscleheads. The discipline to swab pub for weights flounders when there’s a six-deep queue at the bench press. But while a heaving gym is bad for your...

5 Ways To Build Big Arms

Big arms are not built of biceps curls alone. And yet in every gym, the weights room is full of red-faced men straining to lift the load from knee to chin, then...

How To Sound Like A Gin Expert (Even If You’re Not)

Mother's Ruin. Bunter's Tea. Kill-Grief. Roll-Me-In-The-Kennel. Even if you've never tasted this vibrant spirit, the historical, ever-delightful and always-fruity nicknames for gin should give you an idea of its reputation – a...

How To Cook The Perfect Steak

There are few things more life-affirming than a perfectly cooked steak. Silky tender, thirst-quenchingly juicy and oozing rich umami, chowing down on an expertly grilled slab of meat is one of life's...

5 Of The Coolest New Headphones For 2017

These days, wearing the right headphones is just as important as wearing the right shoes (well, almost). But with the audio market growing each year, there’s more choice than ever – and...

25 Of The Coolest Man Caves You’ll Ever See

We men do some pretty Neanderthal things. Sure, we might be past cleaning our teeth with bark and keeping dinosaurs as pets, but when we’re not puffing out our chests...

5 Of The Best Scotch Whiskies

Whether you're a devoted Scot, a curious Sassenach (that’s English folk to those not familiar with Gaelic) or other; the annual celebration of Scotland's national poet on 25 January is the perfect...

James Bond’s Bartender On How To Make The Perfect Martini

If you want a Manhattan, talk to a New Yorker; if you’re in the mood for a mojito, speak to a Cuban; and if you’re in need of a stiff martini, then...

5 Of The Best In-Ear Sports Headphones

In-ear models are often considered the ugly duckling of the headphone world. Where on- and over-ear headphones suggest superior sound quality and luxury, the humble in-ear is too reminiscent of the flimsy...

This Is How Often You Should Wash Your Bedsheets

Think about it: you wear clean pants every single day (and if you don't, be ashamed). So why aren't bedsheets given the same daily treatment? We spend over a third of our...
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