Interiors & Homeware

Interiors & Homeware

6 Rules For Making Your Home Look Better

A home is like a wardrobe: to a certain degree, how you decorate it comes down to personal taste. But there are rules too. Much like it's sacrilege to fasten the bottom...

Inside 6 Of The Most Stylish Menswear Designers’ Homes

What do you get when you cross strong design credentials with a generous paycheck and (what's probably) a phonebook full of makers, artists and interior designers? Some pretty jaw-dropping homes, that's what. We...

10 Interior Turn-Offs (And How To Fix Them)

You saw an episode of Changing Rooms in the 1990s and understand the rules of matching belts and shoes - so accessorising your home is going to be easy, right? Wrong. The...

9 Pieces Of Kitchen Kit No Man Should Be Without

Of all the rooms in a man's home, one sees more action than any other. It's a room where things get steamy, where we often measure ourselves against other men, and what...

11 Things No Grown Man Should Have In His Home

Sometimes all it takes is a little self awareness. Because, let's face it, there's individual preference, and then there's those things that (even behind closed doors) are just outright offensive. ...

Ways To Make Your Home Look Bigger

Unless you're heir to a fortune comprising more than a Skoda and a suburban bungalow (or you're living in a part of the country where your nearest neighbours are sheep, not people),...

8 Of The Coolest Style HQs In The World

Not all work spaces were created equal. While some do the nine-to-five in a clinical cube farm, others spend it zipping up and down slides, skateboarding between meetings and fitting in a...

Easy Ways To Upgrade Your Home For Less

With UK property prices hitting an all-time high this year, the business of owning a home has never been so bank account-busting. Whether you're scrimping to save for a...

9 Pieces To Make Your Bedroom More Stylish

Your bedroom probably doesn’t get as many visitors as the rest of your house. Even if your love life is modelled on Mick Jagger, overnight guests probably stop off in the living...

7 Things That’ll Make Your Bathroom Better

Never skimp on your bathroom. You can gild doorknobs, hang antique chandeliers in the hall and turn your living room into a five-star hotel suite but leave your bathroom scuzzy, and it's...

9 Things Every Man Should Have In His Living Room

Your living room is the hub of your home. The place where you unwind, entertain or, if you have kids, somewhere you spend too many hours of your life watching Disney films...

7 Items That Deserve A Spot In Your Man Cave

Every guy needs a room to himself, whether it's to try out the latest tech or show off barware to his mates. Here are seven items that will ensure your man cave...

7 Things To Make Your Garden Great Again

If you’re lucky enough to have a garden, you probably don’t know just how lucky you are. Mostly because you spend every weekend tending it - watering plants, planting seeds, pulling weeds,...

7 Essentials Every Man Needs For A Ballin’ Home Bar

Millennials are going out less, or so says a Guardian survey in which 67 per cent of 18 to 35-year-olds admitted to routinely snubbing clubs. That's not to say we’re drinking less, though....

25 Of The Coolest Man Caves You’ll Ever See

We men do some pretty Neanderthal things. Sure, we might be past cleaning our teeth with bark and keeping dinosaurs as pets, but when we’re not puffing out our chests...
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